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Message Deleted
by K. L. Slater

This book had a great start with Saffy receiving a set of mysterious messages from her friend Leona (who she met recently after awhile of being distant) but then those messages are deleted and Leona denies sending them. Nicely intriguing, especially when Saffy notices so many wrong things in Leona's house and then the family goes missing and Saffy becomes the main suspect. The story bounces back and forth between the past and between the views of Saffy, Poppy, and Leona showing that all the things currently happening are connected in ways unknown to the characters and it made for easy to want to keep reading to find out all the whys and who might end up dead or missing next. Yes, I did get a little annoyed when secrets were kept by Poppy and Saffy that would have kept some bad things from happening and yes, I was able to guess one connection before it was revealed but it was still fun to read this book. I would consider this a good little murder mystery book which was easy to get into and fairly hard to put down with only a few irritations at the actions of some of the character though I guess that is pretty lifelike with what human nature is like.

The Couch Potato
by Jory John

We love reading the couch potato together!

The Couch Potato
by Jory John

We love reading the couch potato together!

Percy Jackson And The Olympians: The Lightning Thief Illustrated Edition
by Rick Riordan

It was a good book

Two Sides To Every Murder
by Danielle Valentine

Well, this book definitely hit the mark (with an arrow of course!) for campy horror. It takes place mostly at the closed down camp and has all the tropes for that kind of horror. You have groups of teenagers splitting up to try and contact someone, there is no signal for phones (except at the top of a very sketch lighthouse), and a person dressed up as the local legend Witch of Lost Lake hunting them all down with masterful precision and a very powerful bow and arrows. You also have Reagan and Olivia trying to find out the truth of what had happened 16 years ago because someone did a good job of messing with the evidence and pinning the blame on the wrong person (maybe). So it was a fast and easy read and though the romantic bits that started popping up were a bit annoying. Running for your life from a witch but also have a meetcute? Not needed. But still mostly fun to read and I must admit that the murderer or maybe more than one get what they deserve. A bit of a shocking ending but fitting. Not a deep or complicated book but a good summer read, though you may want to make sure you have a strong signal on your cell if you are going to camp this year.

Go, Dog. Go! Read & Listen Edition
by P.D. Eastman


Doctor Sleep
by Stephen King

I loved the movie so I thought I would give the book a chance. I liked it too and it was fun to see the differences between the two. I like the ending of the book better but the movie Abra was more likable. Nice to get more details about the True Knot.

Summer Romance
by Annabel Monaghan


Devils Kill Devils
by Johnny Compton

I enjoyed Spite House so I was really looking forward to seeing what was next by this author. And I admit, this book had some very intriguing aspects though it did get a bit convoluted at the end when all the plot lines from the vampires (very loosely related to the more common vampire), sleepers, the use of magic/prayers, and how through the power of belief from many can change a normal person into roughly, a god. It was a lot to take in but still a good book to read with the chapters changing to the viewpoints of not only Sarita, but Cela, and Harrah. Each woman had a good story to tell and you had the villain origin story (Cela) as well as the hero's journey that Sarita takes to try and save her family and stay alive to not fulfill the prophecy that Cela wanted that would end in death and the end of the world. It was definitely a good horror book with lots of death and creepiness (those are some powerful vampires!) and while it did end, it also left room for more forays into this world and I think I would enjoy reading them.

The Garden Of Memories
by Amanda James

This is a sweet book, sweet smelling too (cause of the garden you know). It starts with Rose retiring after years of being a nurse and finding what the next step in life is going to be (sadly without her husband, Glen). She is joined by several others, Flora, Daisy, Sarah at the start but with more joining in as the garden of memories that Rose starts, expands to fit all of them and their pasts that they want to remember even as they move forward in the present. They find their way through trials, heartache, joy and resolve. I would love to be able to go and visit that wonderful garden, even if I might be allergic. So, while I would love that, I had so much fun reading this and it left me with a feel good and so I do recommend this book if you want to experience a slice of life that has a happy ending!
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